Saturday, February 23, 2008

Shame on Berkley

You may have heard about Berkley banning the Marines. It made me angry, and I thought, "Well that's stupid Berkley, again." Check out what some others had to say to the Berley City Council.


Carly said...

Hi :)

It's Carly here, waving a white flag. I live in Berkeley, California, and I have to say, I am proud of where I live. We aren't stupid here, but for the most part we do hold an opinion which apparently differs from yours. America... right? I wish you wouldn't get angry, I wish you might consider it a difference of opinion about a tragic circumstance. Human to human here, do I really deserve to be called names and hated for being opposed to the war? Really? I have that little value? Really? I encourge folks to be the best possible human they can be and I am proud of my hometown. I hope they continue to stand up and be a city that shares it's opinion, instead of cowering and letting the ones who yell the loudest be assumed the only ones who could possibly be right. Just my opinion, I am no one special, I am just me.

Always, Carly

Jan said...

Carly, of course you're entitled to you views on war, any war. War or anti-war is not what makes me angry, at all. It's disrespect for our troops, our sons, husbands, fathers, brothers who serve, so we are safe, and don't have to serve. I remember Nam, and I wasn't behind that war either, but I always supported our troops, doing the job they were told to do.

You say, "I am no one special..." and I reply of course you are.

Carly said...

Hi Again

Thank you for leaving me a follow up comment. I always appreciate it when I can hold a dialog with someone, who may not see eye to eye with me.

Here is how I personally feel about things. Some of our military recruitment centers have mislead some of our young folks about the realities of what they would be facing. Our governemt has sent our young men and women off to war, with improper equipment, and Halliburton has, at times, fed our soldiers substandard food. It's a fact. It's also a fact that when our troops come home, they have been given substandard care at our V.A Hopsitals.

It is my belief, that until these problems are fixed from within, we shouldn't be continuing to sign up our finest young people based on half-truths. Hopefully the next administration can solve some of what's wrong in the militay. And it doesn't even matter which side wins the election by the way, both sides agree we have to do better about our military in terms of getting them what they need and seeing to it that they have a future to come home to.

When you consider that 50% of our nations homeless are veterins, who doesn't see the need for reform? When you talk about supporting the troops, I have to wonder, where is the support in sending them off to fight a war with substandard food, and improper equipment? It's not enough to say we support them, it has to come with conviction for that support.

I oppose the recruitment offices, because I support the troops, not because of lack of support. I want them to be told the truth when they sign up. And I especially want to see some real support from our government. Proper equipment, proper food, a solid plan for the eventual exit from this tragic situation and life when they come home. Maybe I aim too high, maybe I expect too much, I don't know, but I do support the troops, and staying silent about my concerns seems a cowardly and foolish.

Thank you again, for this chance to talk. Maybe we can agree to disagree.

All my best, Carly

Anonymous said...

I just can't believe that this is all going on. We are AMERICA! WE are the GREATEST COUNTRY but we aren't going to be for long. We are always fighting each other. I do agree on disagreeing. But in the end everyone should support the troops wether the agree with the war or not. I say to Carly that these young people DO know what they are getting in to. they had already knew the consequences before walking in the doors to sign up. The consequences are that if you are in the military you could very well end up going to war. These men and women know that and they are proud that they can help keep our country safe. And all they ask for is that we support them we say Good Job guys, Thank You for keeping us safe. Everyone blames everything on Bush. But does anyone have any clue how hard it is to fix a country when are entire economy had taken a hit to the heart from 9/11? Terrorist came into our country and had killed thousands of our own and destroyed our towers. Why has everyone forgotten this? I wish everyone could see that Bush is actually very smart!! He is keeping the battle on their land (over in the Middle East and the other countries)If we keep the war over there then they won't come over here to hurt us again. If we back out, then they will come over here again and do the same thing they did on 9/11. All I really want everyone to know is that we need to support our troops they keep us safe and let us keep our freedom without them we are not AMERICA. Support our Vets too.

Jan said...

To Anonymous - you know it's hard to listen to some one who won't sign they're post. Agree or disagree, but own your words. Or is this how they do it in Sellersville, Pennsylvania?

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