In our library is a large table that always has a jigsaw puzzle in progress. Everyone is welcome to work on it.
Looks as if they're ready to start a new puzzle.

Here's some Junk Food at the market, not at my house!
Here's some Junk Food at the market, not at my house!
I want that birdhouse table/bench thing. Cool!
There is always a puzzle on the table at my oncologist's office too. Sometimes I work on it but usually I just watch the fish. :)
The sale looks charming to me. Junk food IS JUNK! I agree.
Good luck and have fun with the puzzles.
Happy ABC.
Very great J post and many nice pictures.
What a great collection of photos! Loved it!
Gosh, I saw the junk and thought somebody had been up into our loft! LOL! Yes I must have a sort out!
Great J post.
Great shots for the letter J! And many great photos:)
Thank you for visiting and for your wishes about "jail" !
Great photos ! Amazing puzzle !
Miss Yves
Great J-post,and it`s lots of good things to find at a junk-sale,but food-no.Like the puzzle too:o)
Hey, that looks like our old stove!
Enjoyed your post. I like jig saw puzzles too. Great fun!
very nice photos! looking forward to see your photos next week.
Love your Js. I too thought of jigsaw, how wonderful to have one at the library for everyone to complete.
Now why didn't I think of jigsaw puzzles? I even have a mat to roll mine up when I don't have time to finish it. Some one else's junk is another's treasures! I love the birdhouses too.
Hello J Jan,
Your name could nebe ythe J for ABC, are you Dutch from origine? because the name 'Jan' is (I think) not American but more Dutch, or I might be wrong, ( if so I like the name) Junkfoood ???haha yeh I love that even when it bad, good post:)
Greeting from ABC's 'J' JoAnn :)
I thought of junk but couldn't find a good picture! These are good "J"s.
Oh great pictures! I especially like the 'junk' with the birdhouses. I'm such a sucker for birdhouses...big or small.
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