Friday, May 16, 2008

It's all Dad's fault

This is one of our adult daughters fave saying. As they age, and things go wrong, they blame Bob. When Shingles strikes, Bob gets the blame. When they have back problems, Bob gets the blame. To me, this seems fair; I wouldn't have it any other way. Carrie even designed a line of shirts around this theme.

One of VistaPrints recent promos was for a free item, you just pay shipping. I got this t-shirt for Bob. He loved it, because he knows it's his fault.

He's posing next to one of his watercolors. That's his fault too.


Allie said...

The watercolor is beautiful! I need a shirt like that for me, because EVERYTHING is MY fault.

Mrs. G. said...

OK now I know who to blame when crap goes wrong-it's Bob's fault!

Pamela said...

oooooooohhhh awwwwwwwww the water color!!!

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Excellent! Can I blame Bob too!?

That watercolour looks fantastic...could we see some more please?

Unknown said...

You're going to give the poor guy a complex. :( Poor Bob!

Watercolor? Cool!

jessica said...

my husband needs a shirt like that.

that artwork is lovely. i'm with the previous posters - show us some more!

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