Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Favorite things

This little step stool is one of my favorite things. I got in in Vermont, Bob and I were on an Autumn Driving Tour of New England, about 22 years ago. We'd seen the rest of the country, so this time we we saw as much of New England as we could sqeeze into two weeks. Our days were packed. I'd been a customer of The Vermont Country Store for a long time, still am, and wanted to include a stop in Weston to see the original store. I was not disappointed. After we left The Vermont Country Store, we strolled across the street to a small shop and found this small step stool with the heart cut-out handles. I bought it, and the shop shipped it home to Long Beach for us.

Sometime later, my Dad was at the house and said he thought it was a great piece and he'd like to find one for their desert house. Well, I had the best Dad in the world, as far as I was concerned, and that's all I needed. But of course, I wasn't going to fly to Vermont to purchase him a step stool. But I couldn't remember the name of the small shop I bought it from. After stewing a bit, I called the Weston Vermont Country Store and asked for the name of the shop across the street. (Now that I've worked retail, I know this is not all that unusual.) They told me the name, I called them up, I got a duplicate for my Dad.

After my Dad passed, 7 years ago, his widow didn't want the step stool any more, so now I have two of one of my favorite things.


Carrie @carrieloves said...

I first saw the picture in my reader and said, "yep, that's a favorite." But holy cow! You have two, huh?

One for me & one for you?

klasieprof said...

That's so cool. I have a similar step stool that is in need of repair, but instead of the hearts, it is the musical note thingy in the middle. It ...just is FINE. Every time I look at it makes me smile.

Unknown said...

What a great story behind your stools! I always love the little heart cutout things. :)

customer service said...

Dear Customer,

"Thank you for your generous comments about The Vermont Country Store. We always enjoy hearing from our customers and hope you will come visit the store again."

Laura Dunham
Customer Service Manager
The Vermont Country Store

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