This week Fun Monday is hosted by Sayre, this is what she has to say:
Every day as I go to work, I see things around me that make me laugh. Usually these are in the forms of signs. So take your camera with you as you go about your business and take a picture of the things that make you laugh along the way (but it doesn't necessarily HAVE to be a sign).
This is the first thing I thought of, Car Wash Man.

I really love this guy. Makes me smile and/or laugh each and every time I see him.

He's a hard worker. The only time he skips work is when it's raining. Otherwise, he's out there twisting and turning in the breeze.

I really love this guy. Makes me smile and/or laugh each and every time I see him.

He's a hard worker. The only time he skips work is when it's raining. Otherwise, he's out there twisting and turning in the breeze.
This doesn't make me laugh, but puts a smile on my face each and every day. This guy is right outside by back door.

I saw one of his cousins last June when we were visiting Aunt Sis, in Marinette, WS. She had lost her home to a fire and was living in town in a duplex. She didn't know anything about the fish wind spinner living in her garden. I loved it, so when we got home I searched until I found my very own. Yes, it's the simple things.
car wash guy is really cute..he would make me smile too!!
I'll bet car wash man really brings in the business! Lots of personality
I've seen a "carwash guy" but he was selling cars, not cleaning them. My son and I love to watch those things dance.
Great fish - where do you find those????
Love Car Wash Guy!
the car wash guy is really funny !
Great post! When we lived in Chicago, there was a hot dog place near the drive-in movie theatre in one of the western suburbs. The hot dog place had one of those balloon things, only it was a hot dog. It was absolutely mesmerising.
The carwash guy looks very enthusiastic. Probably works cheap, too.
He's adorable. How could you not smile at that??
Like Sayre, I've seen those guys selling cars rather than cleaning them too. I always hope I get stopped at a red light so I can watch them for a couple of minutes. I don't know why I like them so much but they make me so happy when I see one.
This is something happy and cheerful to have in your backyard!He would make me smile too!
The car wash man is funny! I love it!!!
You got some great shots of the car wash guy! Happy fun Monday!
omigod, i love love love your car wash man!!! he's awesome!
You're right, the car wash guy is cute! And I love your fish! Beautiful!
those things always remind me of a circus!!
I'm not sure if that thing has a name in California...but here in MN it's:
Wacky, waiving inflateable arm flailing tube man!
Try saying it 10 times fast, very difficult!:)
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