Thank you, Lisa Oceandreamer, for dreaming up this event; and for all the hard work involved in One World One Heart.
Here are the three winners of my heart necklace:
I'll contact them, or if they read this they can email me their shipping information.
Photos for the mosaic:
1. ♥Heart♥, 2. Heart, 3. Little Hearts, 4. The Shape Of My Heart, 5. valentines day, 6. Heart Hug, 7. heart pages, 8. Kiwi's heart, 9. A Snow Heart For You :) xoxox
Created with fd's Flickr Toys.
Congrats to the winners!! I tried emailing you but we've been in a motel all week and I'm beggining to think my emails are sitting in wait until my computer is away from here. We'll be home tonight so I'll try again then. :)
Happy Valentines!
You have such a great blog, a diversity of topics, well written, and I love your pictures! Can I add you to my blogroll?
YAY! Thank you so much!!!!
Now that this is all over and done I have to come out of lurk mode here and tell you how darling I thought these were! So so pretty. Congrats to the winners!
WHOO HOOO!! Congrats to the winners!!!
I got my book yesterday!! I can't wait to delve into it!!!
Thank you!!
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