Monday, March 23, 2009

More advice

Recently, I've given several people advice about how to deal with insomnia. I had insomnia, once, and it was horrific. When you can't sleep, you get no rest; just laying there, really does your body no good.

I had insomnia, when I was around 40, many years ago, before information was widely available on the Internet. The Internet wasn't around, period. I took myself to the library and researched what I should do. I was pretty much a hippy-dippy, still bra-less in those days, and didn't want a prescription drug to help me sleep. Plus, my Mom was pretty much a prescription drug addict, many women her age were, and I didn't want to even get close to that.

My research led me to Calcium Lactate. This is not the calcium we use to build strong bones, so it's in addition to your regular supplements. I had a hard time finding Calcium Lactate; I finally found it at a "health food" store. I took 6 of the pills each night before I went to bed; and it worked. I slept like a baby, and had no side effects, in the morning.

That's my advice. If you're having trouble sleeping, try Calcium Lactate.

Another piece of advice is drink diet soda. A recent study showed women who drink 2 or more cans of soda a day have a higher incidence of kidney failure than the general population. The finding did not apply to men, just women. The study did not apply to women who drank diet soda, just women who drank regular soda.

So, that's my second piece of advice, drink diet soda.


Daryl said...

I stopped all soft drinks when I stopped smoking and joined WW ... and while I dont have trouble sleeping I have two friends who do and I am sending them here to read this post ... Thanks!

Unknown said...

Sounds like good advice. I have a friend going through some insomnia right now, I will direct him to your post. :)

Jan n Jer said...

Hmmm, sounds interesting, I sometimes have trouble sleeping. I will have to look into this. Thanks for the info.

Grand Life said...

Jan- thanks for the suggestion but can I use it if I am lactose intolerant. I also gave up carb drinks about 3 years ago.

Jientje said...

I know what it's like not to sleep well. I've been through it at some point in my life too, and I'm so happy that now I am able to go to bed and KNOW that I will sleep, instead of counting the hours and he minutes!

Unknown said...

Excellent advice Jan. I learned so much. Thanks.


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