This rocker was Bob's Grandmothers. We really don't know how old it is. One day, one of Bob's aunts sent me a note, wanting to know if I wanted the rocker. I called her up and asked when could I come and get it. It was an unusual transaction, she said she wanted our family to have it, not her daughter or her sons, not Bob's sisters. I was only too willing to drive 100 miles to pick it up.
It's very small, about 34 inches at the top. Every time we have a short visitor, child or adult, they can't resist sitting in it. Bob's Grandma was under 5 foot.
If it could talk, it wouldn't. It would sing =)
it is beautiful...I love old, sentimental objects..they are priceless.
Love old things like this, but I'm afraid at 5'7" I'd look pretty funny in it. Excellent for the little people though and something I can tell you're proud to own.
What a cute little rocker~! And how sweet that she wanted you guys to have it. :)
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